oblivion is my favourite RPG of all time, and the only game i bought twice (xbox, then on ps3 when it came out) I am hoping, since E3 is coming up, they might announce at least something about it but i really couldn't care less about brink or hunted.
They said that they are going to do another its just a matter of when. I'm a HUGE Bethesda fan and I love all of the new games that they are putting out. Zenimax, their parent company, might be putting off the Elder Scrolls universe to develop these new games. In the end, its the higher ups that are providing the money that get to decide what games are made. Sooner or later it will get here. I just hope that the longer it takes the better it will be. Elder Scrolls isn't something to take lightly and as they let technology progress they will be able to put more and more into the games. I'm still thrilled with each new game they release though.Anyone else pissed that Bethesda seems to keep putting off a new Elder Scrolls?
besides rabble rousing I don't see much of a question. However my opinion is that Bethseda is well aware of your concerns. I'm sure they will give you another fantastic elder scrolls but games take TIME. lots of it. especially one as expansive as the elder scrolls series. It takes literally years to program something like that. Even if you have a crack team. Just be patient.
i hear ya,i would love nothing more than to see a new elder scrolls game come out any time now.if they follow there cycle for elder scrolls games then hopefully we would get one next year 2011,but for now we will just have to keep playing morrowind and oblivion unless you have dos then you can play arena and daggerfall also.hope this helps.have fun gaming.Anyone else pissed that Bethesda seems to keep putting off a new Elder Scrolls?
Yeah I really get pissed off at that
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