Sunday, March 4, 2012

What are some good RPG games that is like Elder Scrolls Oblivion? Games must be for the xbox 360.?

A game where you can go anywhere like in Oblivion, not limited to steps. A game like Oblivion and Fallout. Not Fable because you are limited to where you can walk.

Also the game must have a lot to do just like the Elder scrolls. Hundreds of caves and stuff.What are some good RPG games that is like Elder Scrolls Oblivion? Games must be for the xbox 360.?
Mass effect
Dragon Age Origins
Already said here but Dragon Age would probably be your best bet.

Also, Fable II and III are really good and have a ton to do. You said "you are limited to where you can walk" but thats not really true, the game is completely open ended once you get out of the tutorial just in the beginning its just like Oblivion where you can go wherever and do whatever. You can swim, kill people, explore dungeons, complete the main quests, play mini games or just talk, etc.

If you get one, I'd recommend Fable II as Fable III is a little bit more linear and not as fun.What are some good RPG games that is like Elder Scrolls Oblivion? Games must be for the xbox 360.?
Fallout 3, Fallout Las Vegas, Borderlands.
Fallout 3.

Dragon Age.What are some good RPG games that is like Elder Scrolls Oblivion? Games must be for the xbox 360.?
arcania 4

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